Call for Proposals for Engagement of National NGOs/CSOs on Addressing the Issue of Missing Persons

Call for Proposals for Engagement of National NGOs/CSOs on Addressing the Issue of Missing Persons
September 9, 2024
UNDP Libya’s development efforts are guided by the Country Programme Document (2023–2025), which prioritizes Governance and Rule of Law, Local Peacebuilding and Resilience, Environment and Climate Change, and Women Empowerment. In line with these priorities, UNDP, in collaboration with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, is implementing the "Missing Persons Project."
The “Missing Persons Project” aims to address the issue of missing persons by fostering meaningful victim participation and building responsive justice and security sector institutions. The project is committed to enhancing the capacity of missing persons' victims to engage in national and international transitional justice (TJ) initiatives and improving access to justice and security services.
UNDP invites civil society organizations (CSOs) to apply for Low Value Grants (LVGs) under the Missing Persons Project. The grants aim to achieve the following outcomes:
- Enhanced Victim Participation: Victims of missing persons are better equipped to engage in national and international transitional justice initiatives, enabling them to seek justice and security services more effectively.
- Strengthened Justice and Security Sectors: Security and justice sector actors are better equipped to develop institutions that are more responsive, accountable, and capable of preventing gross human rights violations.
Proposals amounts should range from a minimum of USD 5,000 for direct interventions in a single community/ activity or geographical area to a maximum of USD 10,000 for direct interventions in multiple communities/ activities or geographical area within the country as stated in the TOR.
The amount requested in the proposal should be commensurate with the organization’s administrative and financial management capabilities. In principle, project duration will not exceed three (03) months beginning in October 2024.
Applicants must submit their proposals through email to by the deadline: Tuesday, 24 September 2024 with the subject field “CfP for engagement of National NGOs / CSOs to support the documentation of cases of missing persons”.
Pre-proposal submission meeting: Monday, 16 September 2024, at 11 am Libya time.
If you would like to participate in the opportunity to ask your questions on the call for proposals, please join us here on the specified day and time.