UNDP Contributes to Wikipedia Knowledge Bank with 35 Articles on Gender Equality in Kyrgyz Language

Toward equitable digital future where women’s impact is visible

June 2, 2022
Photo of girls in discussion


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 1 June 2022 – United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with the Bishkek Feminist Initiative and media portal Super-Info have developed 35 articles on gender issues in Kyrgyz language for the Wikipedia. The articles aim to educate the Kyrgyz-speaking audience with gender concepts and why women’s and girls’ empowerment contribute to overall development, to challenges faced by women in Kyrgyzstan and special measures adopted by the country to eradicate discrimination and violence.

“The articles on gender equality and women’s issues in Kyrgyzstan were developed by local experts who have a very strong understanding of women’s situation in Kyrgyzstan at both national and local levels.  Women – who make up half of the country’s population – lack information especially in the Kyrgyz language about gender equality, women’s rights, and other issues faced by Kyrgyzstan on the path to an equal society. Adding content and knowledge on open, online sources enables citizens of Kyrgyzstan to learn more about their rights and increase their awareness of gender equality and social norms. A higher level of gender awareness will improve mutual understanding between women and men and helps develop skills necessary for societal change and to break gender sterotypes. But much more is needed. With this contribution, UNDP hopes to inspire others to contribute more articles on women’s issues in the Kyrgyz language to be published on Wikipedia – about health, about work, and about family – on a variety of matters that interest women”– said Louise Chamberlain, UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In a tech world, Wikipedia is one of the most known and widely used source of information- the articles are cited, allowing further research on a wide variety of topics. Nowadays, more and more country’s young generation speak and operate in Kyrgyz language, therefore, covering important development issues on women’s and girls’ rights open up opportunities for further respect of equality and human rights.   

“It is very important to disseminate more verified information in Kyrgyz, as there is a certain need in trusted and gender-sensitive information,” – said Gulayim Ayilchy, one of the authors of the articles.

Today, Wikipedia in Kyrgyz language, since its launch in 2010 published more than 80 000 articles and 8 authors from among the leaders and employees of women's, youth and feminist organizations developed articles which were published in Wikipedia to contribute to the knowledge and awareness.

“Working with gender experts under this project had a great educational impact on us, editors of Super Info media portal. We argued a lot, but in the end, I saw for myself how our editors grew in terms of using gender sensitive language, avoiding victimization and victim-blaming and having less and less tolerance to violence,” - said Nargiza Umotova, manager of Super-Info media portal.


Link to Articles:
Gender – гендер

Gender equality - Гендердик теңдик

Gender inequality - Гендердик теңсиздик

Women’s rights  - Аял укуктары

Women’s rights in Kyrgyzstan

Feminism movement - Феминизм кыймылы

Sexism - Сексизм   

Gender roles - Гендердик ролдор

Discrimination - Дискриминация  

Cross discrimination - Кесилишкен дискриминация

Patriarchy - Патриархат

Misogyny - Мизогиния  

Special measures on gender equality adopted by the United Nations - Special measures on gender equality adopted by the United Nations

Violence - Зордук-зомбулук

Domestic violence - Үй-бүлөлүк зордук-зомбулук

Sexual violence - Зордуктоо

Femicide – Фемицид

Abduction - Ала качуу  

Harassment - Харассмент, ыдык көрсөтүү, асылуу

Reproduction rights - Репродуктивдик укуктар

Virginity – Кыздык

Sexual and reproductive health and rights - Сексуалдык жана репродуктивдик ден соолук жана укуктар

Marriage – Нике

Domestic violence - Акы төлөнбөгөн эмгек

Women’s health - Аялдардын ден соолугу

Contraception - Контрацепция

Environment and women - Экология жана аялдар

Women’s rights and women empowerment - Аялдардын Укуктарын Жана Мүмкүнчүлүктөрүн  Кеӊейтүү

Women in politics - Саясаттагы аялдар

Women-entrepreneurs - Аял ишкерлер

Women in Science - Илимий чөйрөдөгү аялдар

Women in Culture  - Маданияттагы аялдар

Women in Sports - Спорттогу аялдар

Education for girls - Кыздарга билим берүү