Kosovo Diaspora and its Role Amidst Multiple Crises

Kosovo Diaspora and its Role Amidst Multiple Crises

May 3, 2023

The Ukraine crisis has had far-reaching impacts on people in the region. UNDP in Kosovo has explored different methodologies to identify the multi-layered crisis and assess the impact of the war in Ukraine on the people in Kosovo. The multiple studies cover a range of factors, including exploration of the effects on GDP, remittances, energy, inflation, and the changing composition of institutional spending while projecting potential scenarios. Specifically, this report is based on a diaspora survey that covers 198 senders and 117 receivers to assess both remittance senders and receivers’ sentiments towards the current situation. The second report is a macroeconomic impact assessment that includes scenario-based projections. By adopting a comprehensive approach that considers both macro and micro-level impacts, the UNDP aims to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the people in Kosovo and provide effective support to the most vulnerable communities.

To see the Macroeconomic assessment “Assessing the Impact of the Ukraine Crisis on Kosovo - An Exercise in Strategic Foresight Including Scenario-Based Projections”: