Remarks by UNDP Resident Representative Denise E Antonio
Closing Event for 'Advancing Jamaica’s Digital Response to COVID-19' Project
April 22, 2023

UNDP Resident Representative, Denise E Antonio addressing the handing-over ceremony
Ms. Linda Maguire, Deputy Regional Director for UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean
Mr. Gary Campbell, Director of Technology, MSET
Mr. Daniel Dawes; Chief Executive Officer, Universal Service Fund
Mr. Richard Kelly, UNDP RBLAC Country Specialist
Mrs. Ava Whyte Anderson, UNDP Assistant Resident Representative
Teachers, Students, media representatives
Other distinguished guests
Good morning. Today we mark yet another milestone in Jamaica’s journey to become a digitally accessible society – fully empowered to learn, earn, transact and engage without borders.
This vision requires strategic partnerships and urgent support to leverage the endless possibilities of the digital age.
Please count UNDP as one of your key partners on this important journey.
Our support is holistically tailored to deliver in areas likely to achieve sustained impacts, especially for those traditionally marginalized from this vital service.
To this end we have partnered with the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology, and its Universal Service Fund, to close the digital divide from two important angles:
(1) Through provision of evidence-based policy insights that can strengthen Jamaica’s digital transformation strategy; and
(2) Through support for broadband access to select communities largely cut off from the digital world.
This strategic package of support, made possible through a grant of 350 000 United States Dollars from UNDP’s COVID Rapid Finance Facility, means that 17 internet sites, including community centres and schools are now connected or reconnected to the world wide web.
It also means that the government is now equipped with high-level insights into Jamaica’s digital strengths and opportunities to undertake targeted investments and interventions to accelerate Jamaica’s digital transformation.
Happily, the Wi Fi installations are positively impacting thousands, including students who need to access studies, learning groups and resources, as well as persons who need to transact business.
Digital access has opened a world of opportunities by improving ease of business, accelerating transactions, and improving delivery of essential public services which are triggers for growth. Importantly, broadband access is a vital tool for preparing future leaders to bring a tech savvy and innovative mindset to solving future challenges.
Still, we have work to do.
More than 40 percent of Jamaica’s population are without access to the internet, and of that number, only nine percent had access to broadband.
Persistent inequalities have created a greater digital divide among rural and low-income communities, leaving many excluded from vital digital public services and growth opportunities.
The completed Digital Readiness Assessment (DRA) report contains vital insights for addressing these lags while accelerating Jamaica’s digital transformation agenda.
Some of the recommendations include:
- adopting proactive policies to increase the availability of IT professionals in the country;
- increasing support for innovative companies, digital transformation and start-ups;
- mainstreaming inclusivity in all digital policies and projects for vulnerable populations, identified as the elderly, indigenous groups, people with special needs, women, and rural communities.
I am happy to announce that another key recommendation of the DRA, which is to conduct a National Digital Skills Gap Analysis, is being supported by UNDP, and is scheduled for completion by June 2023.
This Gap Analysis will identify the skillsets required to advance Jamaica’s Digital Transformation.
I commend the government of Jamaica for their strategic push towards digitalization, driven by evidence and anchored in policy.
To this end, UNDP remains committed to supporting Jamaica’s Medium Term Socio-economic Policy Framework (2021 – 2024) and 2030 National Development Plan which anchor provisions for digitalization as a key priority and development driver in Jamaica.
This is consistent with UNDP’s global mandate to accelerate digitalization as an enabler of transformation for sustainable development and undergirds our shared commitment to achieve Sustainable Goal number 9 – industry, innovation and infrastructure.
I can assure you that UNDP is ready to serve on other legs of Jamaica’s journey to ensure that no one – whether rural, poor, child, person with disability or elderly – is left behind in a digitally accessible Jamaica.
Thank you.