Strengthening Participation of Local Women Leaders and Grassroots Woman's Organisations in the Local Decision-making Processes

Strenghtening Participation of local Women Leaders.pdf

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Strengthening Participation of Local Women Leaders and Grassroots Woman's Organisations in the Local Decision-making Processes

May 26, 2023

Strengthening Local Communities’ project seeks to improve the quality of life of women and men through empowered gender responsive local communities. Building on the women as drivers of change approach, the project puts gender equality and the empowerment of women at the centre of its approach. Drawing on the primary research conducted in 41 Local Governance Units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this publication identifies accelerators for strengthening participation of women leaders in the local decision-making processes. It identifies activities that can trigger a multiplier effect and charts the way forward for gender transformative change through MZ Citizen Fora.