Handbook - Examples of preparations for classes of the course Basics of Entrepreneurship

Priručnik - Primjeri priprema za časove nastavnog predmeta Osnovi preduzetništva

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Handbook - Examples of preparations for classes of the course Basics of Entrepreneurship

December 27, 2023

In order to improve education and training and strengthen the competencies of educational workers aimed at raising the quality of the teaching process and the adequate response of the educational system to the needs and affinities of students, the Republican Pedagogical Institute of the Republika Srpska, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), designed and conducted trainings for teachers who teach the subject Basics of Entrepreneurship.

On the basis of the selected written preparations for classes and business plans, a handbook was created, Examples of preparations for classes in the course Basics of Entrepreneurship. We emphasize that the preparations were made by the teachers for whom the training was primarily intended, namely teachers who are not economists by their initial education.