An Intersectional Analysis of the Differential Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis and Inflation on Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

An Intersectional Analysis of the Differential Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis and Inflation on Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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March 8, 2023
The social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still evident across Bosnia and Herzegovina yet these effects are not experienced equally by all. The data confirms the continued gendered and differential secondary effects of the pandemic, including lost income, increased unpaid care work, unmet health needs and reduced access to public services. The pandemic highlighted and exacerbated pre-existing inequities, particularly along gender lines, and the dual gendered impact it had on paid and unpaid work that is of particular concern.
Not only did the crisis affect women more strongly than men but women with vulnerable characteristics were placed in an even worse position. This study brings to the forefront the nuanced experiences of invisible or ignored marginalisation and inequality experienced by women and demonstrates that this is partly due to the fact that such repercussions are often not measured. Through the data it tells the story of how gender interacts dynamically with other factors such as age, level of income, ability, ethnicity and parenthood to create patterns of inequality specific to the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina.