EnGenDER Newsletter: Confronting Gender Disparities and Multiple Hazard Events: A Caribbean Reality

EnGenDER Newsletter - Edition 3

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EnGenDER Newsletter: Confronting Gender Disparities and Multiple Hazard Events: A Caribbean Reality

August 31, 2021

The third edition of the EnGenDER newsletter has been published under the theme, Confronting Gender Disparities and Multiple Hazard Events: A Caribbean Reality.  In this August issue of the newsletter, the EnGenDER project examines more deeply gender inequalities and disaster management in the Caribbean region within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hurricane season and the volcanic eruptions of the La Soufrière Volcano.  

Inside this issue:

  1. EnGenDER: A Gateway to Gender-Related Impacts!
  2. Addressing Vulnerabilities in the Relief and Response Efforts Following the Explosive Eruption of the La Soufrière Volcano
  3. Towards a Gender- Responsive Approach to Recovery
  4. The Stage is set for strengthening Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery: The Model National Recovery Framework
  5. Regional Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems Evolve with Compound Impacts
  6. Jamaica Women Craft Vendors Get Business Support to Enhance Resiliency when   Disasters Strikes
  7. Building Resilience in Coastal Communities with the Belize Association of Planners
  8. Insights into the Suriname Referral Pathway Initiative
  9. What is Gender Inequality Costing the Caribbean Region?
  10. Dominica Moves One Step Closer to Engendering its NDC Commitments
  11. Future Action