Caribbean Justice: A Needs Assessment of the Judicial System in Nine Countries

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July 17, 2020
Inequality, discrimination and exclusion remain severe obstacles to universal sustainable development. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has exacerbated this development deficit and challenged the aspiration of access to justice for all. People living in poverty and marginalized groups may not be aware of their legal rights and often lack legal protection and access to mechanisms to remedy their grievances, resulting in increased vulnerability. Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has a devastating, long-term effect on the lives of victims, their families and communities, and impedes development progress. This Needs Assessment Report (NAR) has a conceptual framework based on a human rights-based approach, intersectional and UNDP´s guidelines in order to move the Caribbean region from a less punitive to a more rehabilitative system.
Through this analysis and review exercise of the judicial cycle in the Caribbean, it was possible to identify the main challenges for a people-centred approach to justice that leaves no one behind. The report aims to highlight trends across the Caribbean region in order to determine how best the development partners can add value to current efforts and initiatives on improving access to justice and its administration
in the Caribbean. This Needs Assessment Report on the administration of justice in the Caribbean provides an up-to-date analysis of the main opportunities and challenges in the region. A salient challenge identified is the lack of available data for the design of regional and national assessments and result oriented solutions.