Project summary
The Government of Azerbaijan has recognised the importance of developing the VET system in the “Strategic Roadmap for Vocational Education and Training,” “Strategic Roadmap on SME development” (approved in 2016) and many other government programmes. The general objective of these policy documents is to reform Azerbaijan’s VET system and lead to better results through improvements in infrastructure, educational content, professional capacity, recognition of prior learning, internal quality assurance and social partnerships (including public-private partnerships).
The project “VET for the Future: development of VET providers’ excellence in Azerbaijan” is intended to support the modernisation of vocational education and training (VET) institutions in Azerbaijan to deliver competence-based training in order to increase the attractiveness and labour market relevance of VET. Project activities will be piloted in seven VET schools/centers (four in Baku and three in the regions - Ganja, Jalilabad and Sheki). The selected schools are priority for the Ministry of Science and Education and have been selected based on factors such as labour market relevance, scaling up VET priority sectors for country development, private sector interest and the existence of required infrastructure. The project’s initiatives/activities will promote public-private cooperation and partnership in the field of work-based learning; build robust capacity of the VET institutions to offer new educational content; and boost the attractiveness of VET education for young people. The best practices derived through this project in the targeted locations will be later further replicated in other regions.
The project is fully financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP together with the State Agency on Vocational Education.
Project objectives
Overall objective | The project’s main goal is to support the Government of Azerbaijan in strengthening the quality of the VET system by modernising institutions to deliver competence-based training suited to the needs of the labour market. |
Specific objectives |
Expected results
Pillar 1: Introduction of innovations in the target group of selected VET providers
Activity 1.1 Improvement of institutional & human resource capacity of selected VET providers
Activity 1.2 Introduction of innovative VET services into selected VET providers
Activity 1.3 Improvement of financial management and cooperation with private sector by selected VET providers
Activity 1.4 Strengthening of career guidance services in selected VET providers
Activity 1.5 Skills Development through digitalisation and online training
Pillar 2: Infrastructure and equipment modernisation in selected VET providers
Activity 2.1 Procurement of infrastructure, equipment and supplies to support new educational content (including programmes for PwDs), support activities and establishment of small-scale workshops
Activity 2.2 Procurement of infrastructure, equipment and supplies to support the business development and establishment of learning factories in selected VET providers
Activity 2.3 Procurement of infrastructure, equipment and supplies to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19
Activity 2.4 Introduction of digital innovations in selected VET providers
Pillar 3: Development of networking and capacity building for all VET providers in Azerbaijan
Activity 3.1 Strengthening of national coordination of VET
Activity 3.2 Strengthening of capacity building of national VET institutions and providers
Horizontal measures to support system delivery
Activity 4.1 Support of the Communication Department of the State Agency on Vocational Education in developing effective communications and boosting the attractiveness of VET
Activity 4.2 Support of the State Agency on Vocational Education in organising National Skills Competitions and participating in International Skills Competitions
Activity 4.3 Support of the piloting of competitive financing mechanism to provide small grants to VET providers
Activity 4.4 Support pilot actions to engage youth in VET under the leadership of the State Agency on Vocational Education