
UNDP Albania

Advancing Albania's planning for medium and long-term adaptation through the development of a National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process


NAP project is designed to help the Government of Albania increase its capacity to address the country’s climate change vulnerabilities. The overall goal will be to reduce climate change related risks throughout Albania, through the strengthened institutional and technical capacities that will support integrated CCA planning in the long-term.

Specifically, this funding request will support Albania to develop a national plan for CCA through:

  • The strengthening of a national mandate, strategy and steering mechanism that focuses on assessing and addressing capacity gaps (particularly in the priority sectors of tourism, urban development, agriculture, transport, and energy),
  • The development of a NAP Strategy action plan document and its implementation plan, and
  • The development of financing, monitoring and evaluation strategies to ensure that capacities and funding options are institutionalized for the long-term sustainability of adaptation planning beyond the life of the project.

The main beneficiaries in this first cycle of NAP development are the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the National Environment Protection Agency, and the Albania Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water and Environment (IGEWE). Indirect or secondary beneficiaries include other ministries and local governments receiving capacity development support (within the priority sectors listed above), as well as all other entities associated with CCA in Albania such as academia, NGOs, civil society organizations, and private companies.


With financing from the Green Climate Fund, the project "Advancing Albania’s planning for medium and long-term adaptation through the development of a National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process" will support the Government of Albania to increase its capacity to address the country’s climate change vulnerabilities.

Albania’s primarily rural population is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, where extreme rain events frequently result in destructive flooding, while agricultural livelihoods and drinking water supplies are threatened during dry periods. As temperatures rise, climate scenarios predict increased severity and frequency of these extreme wet and dry conditions, along with decreasing total annual rainfall. These changes place Albania’s population at risk and pose a threat to the burgeoning hydropower and tourism industries.

To address these vulnerabilities, the Government of Albania launched its national adaptation plan (NAP) process in February 2015, with the support of GIZ and UNDP, through consultations with national stakeholders and a stocktaking exercise. A preliminary roadmap for NAP implementation was formulated and validated by representatives from the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (the lead agency working to advance the NAP) as well as stakeholders from the Inter-ministerial Working Group on Climate Change (IMWGCC). Through consultations during the stocktaking and roadmap development process, the Government of Albania has defined the NAP process as key to identifying, prioritizing, and funding adaptation interventions as well as increasing technical capacity for CCA planning and mainstreaming climate change into its policies, including the National Strategy for Development and Integration (NDSI) and sectorial strategies. In addition, this effort is concurrent and consistent with Albania’s ongoing GCF Readiness Programme and resulting Country Work Programme, supported by UNEP.

The analytical exercises highlighted the existing weaknesses and demonstrated the prevailing barriers to climate change adaptation (CCA) planning in Albania. The results confirmed that in order to adequately address climate change vulnerabilities, Albania must overcome information gaps, vulnerability assessments and climate adaptation planning capacity weaknesses, and a lack of awareness of CCA – both at the national and subnational levels. In addition, climate change is not integrated into existing environmental and development policies, or their associated budget priorities, and financing appropriations for funding CCA are absent.

The underlying challenge is that currently there is no comprehensive framework for adaptation in Albania. The National Communications provide a preliminary assessment of adaptation priorities, and a national NAP Framework Document was developed as part of the NAP preparation and stocktaking process in 2016. To leverage these preliminary activities towards climate resilience, this readiness effort aims to address goals identified in the NAP Framework Document that will address the weaknesses and barriers mentioned above. These goals include: capacity development for implementation of a NAP (Goals 4-5), mainstreaming of CCA (Goals 6-11), raising awareness and institutional capacity to address climate change risks (Goals 14-16), and ensuring budgeting and financing for sustained climate change adaptation efforts (Goals 12-13).

The project aims at delivering the following results under the three main outcomes:

  • Strengthen legal and institutional framework and mandate for CCA work at the national government level;
  • Upgrade stocktaking on climate vulnerabilities, CCA opportunities and development needs and update vulnerability analyses;
  • Address CCA-related capacity gaps at national and subnational levels;
  • Establish long-term CCA capacity development methodologies to ensure ongoing skills development and increased awareness of CCA;
  • Formulate NAP Strategy action plan and accompanying communications plan;
  • Promote CCA integration into existing planning and budgeting and cross-sector coordination;
  • Develop NAP implementation plan;
  • Establish systems to monitor NAP process and adaptation progress;
  • Identify options for securing and scaling up financing for adaptation; develop a financing plan.

Project Outcome

All activities will be carried out utilizing an integrated gender-sensitive approach, and the activities will be achieved through 3 outcomes and related sub-outcomes.

Outcome 1: Institutional and capacity gaps assessed and addressed

Outcome 2: NAP Strategy action plan finalized and implementation plan in place

Outcome 3: Strategies for financing as well as for monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation in medium- to long-term established.