Women, Peace and Security: Stories of impact from UNDP’s Japan-funded projects in Africa 2022 - 2024

TICAD Impact Report 2024


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Women, Peace and Security: Stories of impact from UNDP’s Japan-funded projects in Africa 2022 - 2024

August 14, 2024

African women are pivotal in conflict prevention and post-conflict peacebuilding, driving long-term development and fostering prosperous societies. They frequently lead transformative efforts, showcasing their ability to unite communities, promote inclusive dialogue, and tackle the root causes of conflict. Japan has long been a key advocate for the role of women as active participants in development and peace-keeping efforts across the African continent. Since the adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000, Member States have recognized women’s influence in maintaining and promoting peace and security. 
This Impact Report on Women, Peace and Security highlights the remarkable stories of women paving the way for prosperity and peace in Africa through UNDP’s Japan-funded projects implemented between 2022 – 2024. From rebuilding communal spaces in South Sudan to advocating for women’s electoral rights in Zimbabwe, the report underscores the tangible impacts of initiatives focused on stabilization, elections and institution-building, resilient livelihoods, and peacekeeping operations across the African continent.