Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Scaling up Made-in-Africa Solutions

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Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Scaling up Made-in-Africa Solutions

September 16, 2021

In collaboration with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, UNDP presents this joint publication "Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Scaling up Made-in-Africa Solutions". This publication contains codified African South-South development solutions and innovative solutions that have the potential to be scaled up in peer African countries, covering key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-related issues, such as governance, education, climate change, disaster risk reduction, clean water, renewable energy, agro-food, environment, digital finance and inclusiveness. The African development solutions showcased in this publication are expected to not only inspire more innovative made-in-Africa and African-tailored good solutions to addressing development challenges in Africa, but also facilitate knowledge sharing and cooperation among a wider range of partners of the global South, including governments, the private sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations and the general public.