Rehab, UNDP’s Gender Champion

March 7, 2021

Rehab | #ChoosetoChallenge | Photo Credit: UNDP Yemen/2021

Like many women world-wide, Rehab, UNDP Yemen’s Gender Analyst, struggled with the increased stress of working from home during the pandemic. A mother of two Rehab remained positive and motivated. “I like to stay positive, so I think of it as opportunity that enhanced my stress control, time management, and remote working skills.”

What challenges you?

Like most women in Yemen – and many parts of the world – I struggle with the burden of unpaid care work, restricted mobility, and socialization (particularly during the pandemic) – as well as the added fear of being a mother, worried for your children’s future.

How did you overcome the challenge?

I remain positive, focused, organized, and remember that I have been in worse situations. I have faced the conflict, previous natural disasters, and pandemics – as well as challenges and resistance from my society and relatives toward my education, work, and personal growth. I never let it break me. It encouraged me to fight and grow more to prove I am capable, strong, and nothing will stop me. I want to be a role model – to show that the sky is the limit, although I even want to go beyond the sky.

I used the lock down opportunity to achieve many accomplishments I have been wanting to work toward, and thanks to the support of colleagues and management I was able to thrive. I finalized my two masters and got enrolled in a PhD. I also completed a number of UNDP learning programmes and deployed virtually for two detailed assignments.

A friend once told me about an expression: “Give credit where credit is due”. I must give credit to my supporters – both professional and personal.

What is your hope for the future?

My hope is to see Yemen move from a humanitarian crisis toward sustainable development through the collective contribution of all Yemenis – especially women.

I would also like to quote from poet and writer, Samiha Totanji: “Here’s to all the unbreakable women out there! Who have been knocked down countless times but who find a way to rise and stand up again. Here’s to all the women in this world. You are beautiful, you are worthy, and no one has the power to dim your light.”

I #ChoosetoChallenge!