Statement by Ms. Matilda Dimovska, UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan at the First national consultation with stakeholders on Green Growth Strategic Framework, the Stockholm +50 international meeting and the official launch of the “GREEN HUB”

May 3, 2022
Matilda Dimovska
UNDP Uzbekistan

Welcome and Greetings

Hurmatli Janob Norkulov, Janob Abidkhadjaev, hurmatli xonimlar va janoblar Assalomu aleykum!

Green Growth Strategic Framework 

Addressing the top environmental issues of Uzbekistan such as Aral Sea environmental crisis, climate change, inefficient land and water use, and biodiversity loss has become even more important as the country seeks to rebuild its economy and enhance resilience against future shocks.

Therefore, today’s meeting speaks to the heart of the agenda on Uzbekistan’s dynamic reform process and promoting the Green Growth. I would indicate only few important relevant to the topic initiatives of Uzbekistan:

·      Adoption of more ambitious NDC with stronger focus on climate mitigation and adaptation 

·      Renewed emphasis on Aral Sea: UN GA Resolution on Aral Sea and its operationalization; Cabinet of Minister degree on integrated roadmap

·      Afforestation/Yashil Makon State Programme with ambitious target of planting 1 billion trees and shrubs over the next 5 years

Many of these derive from the “Strategy for transition of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy during 2019-2030”, which recognized the green economy as strategic area for the long-term sustainable development and identified priority areas for 'greening'.

We had lot of discussions around these issues, to mention the one during the Green Recovery Forum last year in March, when we all agreed that “building forward” more resilient world from COVID-19 crisis can only be green. Time ago this is not a question in Uzbekistan. 

The core question is how to make this understanding operational, nailing the priority actions for transition of Uzbekistan to a green economy at scale.

It has been very good to see the Government and all of us united around this question, all contributing to operationalization of the “green economy strategy”. 

Today we will have an opportunity to further that extensive engagement and support on development Green Growth Strategic Framework.

It is symbolic that it coincides with the launch of the Green Hub within the Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Ministry. This facility aimed to contribute to the green economy transition process with generating ideas, knowledge building and sharing is very timely.

And finally, this sets the basis for the first national consultation towards Stockholm+50. 

On Stockholm+50

The UN General Assembly has agreed to convene an international meeting entitled “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity”, in Stockholm on 2 and 3 June 2022, during the week of World Environment Day.

Hosted by the Government of Sweden and supported by the Government of Kenya, the meeting will commemorate the 50 years since convening of the UN Conference on the Human Environment. It is also to help accelerate implementation of SDGs during the Decade of Action as well as reinforce the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of creation of UN Environment Programme.

UNDP is honored to facilitate national consultations in preparation of the event, withresources provided by the Government of Sweden and by leveraging our extensive country level work and partnerships around the Green Growth agenda, Nationally Determined Contributions and broader work on Nature, Climate, Energy, and other SDG themes. 

More specifically, in Uzbekistan 4 national consultations will take place - with the Government and development partners. Today’s event is 1st one, centered around the Strategic Framework. 

The three upcoming consultations will cover the topics of: 

·      Strengthening the sustainable development of the Aral Sea region – organized with the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, and to be held in Nukus on 6 May 

·      NDC and climate change adaptation – Uzhydromet, 11 May 

·      Addressing issues related to biodiversity conservation and public participation in use of natural resources– Goscomecology, 12 May 


On behalf of UNDP, let me reiterate our commitment to continue supporting Government in implementing more ambitious climate action to achieve its emission reduction targets, including through greater energy efficiency, diversification of energy sources and enhanced management of natural resources.

We stand ready to, together with all present here, further support the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction in operationalizing the Strategy for transition to green economy and establishing effective institutional mechanisms for coordination, monitoring and decision making.

I finish with congratulating you on the upcoming Ramadan Eid. Eid Ramadan Mubarak bolsin to you and your families!

Katta rahmat!