[COMPLETED] Aid for Trade in Сentral Asia (Phase IV)
Aid for Trade in Сentral Asia (Phase IV)
Project summary:
The Aid for Trade in Central Asia (Phase IV) is a regional project with overall objective to foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Uzbekistan by promoting trade and increasing competitiveness within green productive sectors. The project endeavors to support the Government of Uzbekistan to build productive and export capacities for niche products, which will be identified in the agricultural and agro-industrial, and also in other employment-rich and potentially green sectors, to contribute to more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable growth patterns.
Expected results:
- Improved private sector related policy;
- Improved access of the private sector to efficient services;
- Developed value chains of green niche products that are employment rich.
Main objectives:
- Supporting an enabling environment for job-rich sustainable growth;
- Supporting market opportunities for all through more efficient and competitive producers and processors.