Online international forum to discuss where Uzbekistan stands in its recovery journey
International online forum
On March 3-4, 2021, was held an international online forum "Building forward better": Green recovery of Uzbekistan after the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic".
The purpose of the Forum is to initiate a dialogue between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international development agencies, donors and investors, the private sector, and the civil community about the country's transition to a green economy and sustainable development of Uzbekistan.
The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated to all of us how closely health, environment, and economy are interconnected. This experience can be crucial for a large-scale transition to the “green” economy of Uzbekistan. For this purpose, during the international forum, were discussed the specific steps that need to be taken.
The forum was organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Government of Uzbekistan, the European Union (EU), and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
The participants of the forum united in the opinion that the pandemic has suspended the implementation of plans around the world, it has worsened the economic condition of many people worldwide. The lesson is that the development of countries on a more environmentally friendly path cannot be postponed. It is necessary to "develop more effectively in the future", so that the society and economies of states are much more prepared for various situations that, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, can occur at any time and immediately around the world.
The forum allowed to discuss the current situation on the implementation of the national Sustainable Development Goals in Uzbekistan after the events and measures related to the pandemic, and to make concrete recommendations for the country's transition to a green economy and more intensive green development, for which all the prerequisites currently exist.
For all those who are interested in the topic of the forum, we recommend to see the materials and resources that were prepared within the framework of the online forum "Building forward better: Green recovery of Uzbekistan after the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic":
the program of the forum with links to presentations
a full record of the forum
a declaration of purpose of the organizers and participants of the forum
a policy brief
information materials (releases, articles, analytics) that were developed during the forum and were widely distributed in the media.
We conduct a survey among the participants of the forum and all those who are partial to the problem of sustainable development and "greening" of Uzbekistan. We will be happy if you could spend 2 minutes of your time and share your opinion.
Finally, we also invite all students and young professionals to participate in the competition, where you have the opportunity to present your ideas and recommendations for greening the country and, subject to selection as a finalist and practical feasibility, implement your proposal within the framework of ongoing UNDP initiatives.
The forum was implemented within the framework of the UNDP project "Towards Green Recovery".
If you have any questions or suggestions for realization within the framework of the UNDP project, please contact Azamat Tashev, Project Manager, by email
Infographic «The contribution of the Green economy in achieving sustainable development»
Only a few hours remaining till the start of the #GreenRecoveryUz Int'l Forum.
— UNDP Uzbekistan (@UNDP_Uzbekistan) March 3, 2021
The session I of the Forum will discuss the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on socio-economic development & the need for shaping🟢recovery plans.
You still have a chance to join:
#GreenRecoveryUz Forum showed us how to #BuildForwardBetter! Hand in hand with @GovUz, #EU & @UNECE, @UNDP_Uzbekistan is committed to take forward transformations and join efforts to build a greener #Uzbekistan after the pandemic and beyond.
— Matilda Dimovska (@MatildaDimovska) March 4, 2021
'Building Forward Better: A COVID-19 #GreenRecovery for #Uzbekistan' - International online Forum, Tashkent, 3-4 March 2021. Recovery plans should deliver not only economic prosperity, but also to address pressing environmental challenges & improving #environmentalhealth.
— Olga Algayerova (@algayerova) March 3, 2021