Summary report with recommendations for introduction of the Guarantees of Origin in Ukraine

Summary report with recommendations for introduction of the Guarantees of Origin in Ukraine
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DownloadSummary report with recommendations for introduction of the Guarantees of Origin in Ukraine
October 17, 2022
The report covers the following topics:
i. Overview and analysis of the legal acts on the Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in the EU (in terms of the Guarantees of Origin (GOs) registers);
ii. Overview and analysis of EU regulation and/or local legislation on the Guarantees of Origin (GOs) implementation as a financial instrument in the EU and EER countries;
iii. Overview and brief analysis of practices on creation of the Guarantees of Origin (GOs) registers in the EU and EER countries;
iv. Overview and brief analysis of the practice on trading of the Guarantees of Origin (GOs) (including as a financial instrument) in the OTC and exchange markets (including clearing and settlement) in the EU and EER counties and
v. Best practices, lessons learned and recommendations for Ukraine.