Integration of the SDG 2030 Agenda into the strategic planning of Donetsk and Kherson oblasts

Analytical report

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Integration of the SDG 2030 Agenda into the strategic planning of Donetsk and Kherson oblasts

July 22, 2022

The main long-term strategic document that outlines goals for the regional development in Ukraine is The State Strategy of Regional Development for the period of 2021-2027. The development of the Strategy was initiated by the President’s of Ukraine Decree № 713 “On Urgent Measures to Ensure Economic Growth, Stimulate Regional Development and to Prevent Corruption” in 2019.

Overall, regional development strategies could have various levels of SDG integration into stra­tegic goals, objectives, tasks. The most mature level of SDG integration would mean that every strategic goal or objective is aligned with the respective SDG, while the least mature integra­tion would not correlate with SDGs at all.

The assessment of the level of integration of the SDGs into the regional strategic priorities is conducted by assessing the declared strategic agendas on the presence of SDG framework in three components: (1) Methodology of the analysis; (2) Description of the strategies; (3) Results of the analysis of SDG integration into strategic goals and tasks; (4) Results of the analysis of SDG integration into monitoring of the strategic development.

The report has been prepared by UNDP in the framework of implementation of the Joint UN Programme “Promoting strategic planning and financing for sustainable development at the national and regional levels in Ukraine” before the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine. However, the conclusions and recommendations for sustainable development remain relevant during and after the war.

To reinforce Ukraine’s SDG financing architecture, UNDP as the lead agency, together with WHO, UNICEF and the non-resident agency UNECE, is implementing a comprehensive Joint Programme to promote strategic planning and financing for sustainable development in Ukraine.