Small Grants Project - Women in Mining

Small Grants Project - Women in Mining
October 7, 2024
UNDP through the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme will finance proposals from women-owned and/or women-run Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Associations operating in the Development Minerals sector that are in line with the following strategic priorities:
i) Enhancing productive capacities and local value addition;
ii) Formalization;
iii) implementation of environmental safeguards in mining;
iv) Enhanced Occupational Health and Safety at workplace, home and community levels; The proposals must therefore address these aspects for every identified association that will receive support.
The grants’ specific objectives are to:
a) Strengthening the institutional capacity of the target ASM associations towards achieving the strategic priorities highlighted above.
b) Supporting community-based self-help initiatives, which may include income-generating activities designed to alleviate poverty.
c) Supporting initiatives addressing environmental restoration actions, gender equality and empowerment activities in mining.
The proposals must demonstrate a balance between identification of ASM associations, addressing their capacity needs through training and sensitization, and provision of small grants to enhance the productive capacities and strengthened livelihoods.
All Applications should be received no later than 25 October 2024.