UNDP is engaging private sector in National Adaptation Planning process
December 2, 2022

UNDP is engaging private sector in National Adaptation Planning process
Ashgabat, 1 December 2022: Within the framework of the project "Development of the national adaptation planning process (NAP) in Turkmenistan" implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, the first quarterly dialogue was held between representatives of the Government, the private sector and civil society on adaptation to climate change.
Climate change is expected to become one of the most serious challenges for the economy and society in the coming decades and adapting to its impacts will be crucial for human well-being. Adapting to changing climate is not the responsibility of national Governments alone. It requires coordinated input from multiple stakeholders, including local authorities, development partners, communities and civil society. As key providers of employment, data, financing, goods, and services, as well as leaders in innovation, private sector actors are increasingly seen as integral participants in the NAP process.

An important element of the NAP process is avoiding gender and social inequalities, hence businesses, such as the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan are encouraged to apply a gender-oriented approach when designing their adaptation activities.
Seminar covered several very important topics, such as the legal framework of Turkmenistan related to the topic of adaptation to climate change, consideration of water resources management issues in digital land cadaster, national policy on sustainable management of water resources, academic research on remote-spectral monitoring in agricultural fields and many others. Participating private companies shared best practices of water resource management and the use of indigenous knowledge in production of camel wool products adapted to the climatic conditions of the country.