Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific Region towards Net-zero and Climate-resilient Development


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Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific Region towards Net-zero and Climate-resilient Development

April 4, 2024

The project, with USD 37.5 million in funding from the Government of Japan, targets four Pacific SIDS – Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Timor-Leste, and Vanuatu – to achieve a clean energy future and increasing resilience to climate impacts, addressing urgent, necessary, unpredictable, and un-substitutable needs to achieve ambitious climate actions. 
By 2025, national and sub-national institutions and communities (particularly at-risk populations including women and children) in Timor-Leste will be better able to manage natural resources and achieve enhanced resilience to climate change impacts, natural and human-induced hazards, and environmental degradation, inclusively and sustainably.