Serengeti Safari Marathon 2023: A Triumph of Conservation and Community Unity

November 13, 2023
SSM 2023 A triumph of conservation and community unity
UNDP Tanzania

The Serengeti Safari Marathon 2023 has etched an indelible mark on the canvas of sustainable development, conservation, and community involvement. From November 6th to 11th, 2023, this extraordinary event, closely aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our nation's priorities as outlined in FYDP III, united athletes, government ministries, and pivotal figures in the tourism sector for a transformative week.

This monumental occasion, a collaborative endeavor between UNDP and esteemed partners including the United Republic of Tanzania, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), and Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB), not only showcased the enchanting beauty of the Serengeti but also underscored the urgent need for environmental and wildlife conservation.

The marathon's route, traversing diverse landscapes within the Serengeti National Park, symbolised our journey toward sustainable tourism and economic prosperity. With four distinct race categories, the event culminated at the picturesque shores of Lake Victoria, with the finish line at Ndabaka Gate.

In a commendable commitment to conservation, the marathon organisers made an eco-conscious choice by opting for paper cups instead of plastic bottles, a testament to our dedication to minimising environmental impact. Throughout the week, community engagement activities amplified the marathon's influence, fostering awareness of tourism opportunities and championing climate action and environmental sustainability among our local communities.

This year's theme, 'Tunza Maliasili,' (protect natural resources) echoed as a resounding call to safeguard and preserve our natural resources for sustainable tourism and economic growth. UNDP's involvement in the Serengeti Safari Marathon underscores our unwavering commitment to assist the government in preserving biodiversity and wildlife for the generations yet to come.

The triumph of the marathon epitomises the potency of collaboration and collective action in advancing sustainable development. As the Serengeti Safari Marathon 2023 finds its place as a shining jewel in Tanzania's dedication to conservation and community involvement, it paves the way for sustained endeavors, ensuring a resilient and sustainable future for all. Together, we are creating a legacy of hope and progress.