Rwanda National Human Development Report 2018

Rwanda National Human Development Report 2018
June 6, 2022
The Rwanda National Human Development Report (NHDR) 2018 was inspired by the impres-sive progress that Rwanda has made over 15 years in the spheres of good governance, economic growth and human development, particularly considering the post-genocide challenges. HGSs have served as a catalyst towards achieving this progress. Hence, this Report, Policy Innovations and Human Development: Rwanda’s home-grown solutions aims to analyse and document the con-tribution of HGSs to human development progress.This Report analyses the contribution of home-grown solutions (HGSs), which are locally de-signed or adapted policy innovations to the progress made by Rwanda in human development. The Report is based on three fundamental premises: innovative policies contribute to achieving rapid economic growth and improvement in human development outcomes; citizens need to participate effectively to economic transformation to positively affect human development; and interventions must be tailored to citizens’ specific needs, aspirations and socio-cultural circumstances for citizens to effectively participate in and own these development processes. Finally, HGSs, which are devel-oped and refined locally, can effectively ensure economic transformation is inclusive, sustainable and benefits human development.