Strengthening Centres of Government in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

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Strengthening Centres of Government in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

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Strengthening Centres of Government in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

January 14, 2025

Currently, 2 billion people—one-quarter of the global population—live in fragile and conflict-affected settings. By 2030, over 80% of the world’s poorest are expected to reside in these environments. Weak governance in these contexts heightens the risk of unrest and violence, while conflict erodes governments’ ability to deliver essential services, exacerbating poverty and inequality. Restoring and strengthening government functionality and accountability is therefore crucial.

This practice note highlights UNDP’s commitment to supporting executive management at the centre of government, a critical function for improving governance in fragile settings. A well-functioning centre of government ensures coherence across government operations and drives progress on priority objectives through strategic management, coordination, monitoring, and communication.

Drawing on over 35 years of UNDP experience, the note provides a framework for designing and implementing interventions to strengthen executive management at the centre of government. It emphasizes conflict sensitivity and contributions to conflict prevention and peacebuilding, supported by insights from case studies and lessons learned. The note is intended for regional technical leads, senior management, and programme teams at the country level. It situates centre of government support within the broader development landscape, outlines its core functions, and showcases UNDP interventions. It also provides practical entry points, diagnostic tools, and key considerations for UNDP support in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Document Type
Sustainable Development Goals