World We Want 2021 Report

World We Want 2021 Report
August 12, 2022
The World We Want sought to gather feedback from the Filipino youth about the world they envision by 2030. It convened key supporters, governments, and development organizations to understand how it was possible to create a safer, more inclusive, and impactful space for young Filipino changemakers to thrive and achieve the visions they have laid down. The consultations were attended by 150 young individuals from all over the Philippines and a few other countries.
Based on the responses, looking into the next 5-10 years, the youth were most hopeful about good governance, post-COVID recovery, and the climate emergency. The youth were also asked which themes they were most worried about which were climate emergency, good governance, and conflicts and disasters. They would be most passionate to work on education, social innovation, gender equality, entrepreneurship, environment, and health. When asked whether they are on their path to the World We Want, the participants' responses were divided, almost evenly split between the “yesses" and the “almosts.” On the question of how satisfied they are in their path to the world we want, the youth, across all consultation sessions, provided a wide range of answers, with some going as high as 10 and some expressing complete dissatisfaction at 0. As a group, they averaged a rating of 5.95, or roughly 6, out of the possible 10.