Decent work standards are being promoted in cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia

February 24, 2022

Farmers and staff in cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey received trainings on decent work standards and ways to improve the existing conditions to reach a fair, safe and decent working environment.

With the trainings held by UNDP and GAP RDA with the support of ILO, decent work standards that are at the core of “Better Cotton” production practices are brought to the field in Southeastern Anatolia.

Farmers and staff in cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey received trainings on decent work standards and ways to improve the existing conditions to reach a fair, safe and decent working environment, as part of an initiative organized by the GAP Regional Development Administration (GAP RDA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the technical support of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The “Decent Work, Occupational Health and Safety and Prevention of Child Labor” trainings were given by ILO on 16-17 February in Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa to transfer their expertise in this field to individuals involved in all stages of cotton production. The main purpose was to increase workers’ knowledge and awareness on decent work and promote better working conditions for them. Safety and health issues that farmers face in the field and their solutions were also covered. Trainers informed participants on how to support children’s access to education and their development in the long term while covering prevention of child labor topic. The trainings reached approximately 75 engineers and farmers.

The training programme was organized within the scope of “Enlarging Better Cotton Production in GAP Region Project”, which is carried out by GAP RDA and UNDP with the financial support of the Better Cotton Initiative Growth Innovation Fund (BCI-GIF). With this initiative, partners aim to sustain better quality, efficient and environment-friendly cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia, the region that has the largest share in cotton production in Turkey. In addition to providing technical and capacity-building trainings to farmers, engineers and the staff in the field, efforts continue to improve the working conditions in the sector.

“Better Cotton” production practices were initiated to carry the quality of cotton production in Turkey to world standards, within the scope of the Integrated Resource Efficiency Project of GAP RDA and UNDP that supports prioritizing the environment, human health, and resource efficiency in agricultural production in Southeastern Anatolia. The trainings aim to get one step closer to a decent business model in the region in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.