UNDP delivers a regional youth forum "Youth, Peace and Security in Central Asia"

August 12, 2020

Ashgabat, 12 August 2020: Young people from the Central Asian countries met on the online platform for dialogue and discussion of the recommendations of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 "Youth, Peace and Security" and the global study "Missing Peace" in the context of Central Asia.

Youth exchange takes place within the framework of the UNDP Youth Project, funded by the Government of Japan, and carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan and Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan. Youth discussions provide an opportunity for young people to learn more about intercultural communication and cooperation, social issues, and thematic development areas in country contexts based on a peer education approach, as well as deepening values ​​such as solidarity, democracy and friendship in the Central Asian region.         

This youth forum brought together more than twenty young people aged 18 to 30 from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

“Peace is a harmony within a person, harmony in the family, in the country and around the world,” says Mr. Saken Bagytuly from Kazakhstan, participant in the online session on how we understand the word “Peace”.

Ms. Julieta Nikolova, Political Affairs Officer, UNV and UNRCCA in Turkmenistan, Ms. Zarina Lukhmanova, Expert on Youth Development in Uzbekistan, Mr. Kurtmolla Abdulganiyev, Peace and Development Adviser, Office UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan joined the discussions as guest speakers.

The youth exchange takes place within the framework of the UNDP regional project “Strengthening Community Resilience and Regional Cooperation to Prevent Violent Extremism in Central Asia”, funded by the Government of Japan. The project is being implemented in six pilot cities: Ashgabat, Tejen, Mary, Turkmenabat, Turkmenbashi and Dashoguz.