UNDP Mongolia’s Civil Society Advisory Committee Meeting

February 27, 2024
UNDP Mongolia

Opening remarks by Ms. Matilda Dimovska, UNDP Resident Representative in Mongolia

Sain bainuu | Good morning

Esteemed members of the Civil Society Advisory Committee, 

Very nice to meet with most of you today for the first time since my arrival in Mongolia last September.

I had a very informative meeting with our Co-chair Ms. Enkh-jargal few weeks ago and talk about our agenda for this meeting. 

The role and importance of civil society organizations can not be overstated. 

Which is why I was particularly pleased to learn that we established this Committee in Mongolia and that we had strong partnership with civil society. 

This Committee is vital in UNDP’s commitment to inclusive and participatory approach in Mongolia, recognizing that civil society plays a critical role in promoting inclusive social progress and sustainable development. 

Through this mechanism, we want to foster an open dialogue, engage in meaningful consultations, and work collaboratively with civil society organizations operating in the key focus areas of UNDP. 

For this year, we are suggesting Just Green Transition as the central theme to our joint work in 2024 as it is not merely an environmental imperative; it is an economic and social necessity for Mongolia development journey. 

However, achieving this transition requires more than government action or international support; it requires a strong, vibrant, and engaged civil society.

Your role in raising awareness about the impacts of climate change, promoting sustainable practices, and advocating for green policies is crucial. 

You are the voice of the marginalized.

Your efforts in promoting renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and responsible consumption contribute directly to Mongolia's green transition.

Moreover, the joint advocacy is crucial. When civil society organizations united in their voices, they amplify the call for change. 

Joint advocacy allows for sharing of resources, strategies, and networks, making our collective action more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Let us leverage our strengths, share our knowledge, and work together towards our common goals: improving the wellbeing of people of Mongolia leaving no one behind. 

I now close by thanking you for being here today and for your commitment to the development of Mongolia. 

Bayrallaa | Thank you