Sweden expands financial support for sustainable management of the Nistru River by Moldovan authorities
December 4, 2023

Sweden expands financial assistance for the “Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Nistru River” project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with US$1.2 million. The financing amendment was signed on 4 December 2023 by Katarina Fried, the Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova, and Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Resident Representative to the Republic of Moldova.
The supplementary funding will be directed to support national authorities for further alignment of their water resources management legal framework with EU requirements, enhancing the capacities of water quality and quantity monitoring within the Nistru River Basin District. It will also support public communication and awareness-raising on river management-related issues and enhance cooperation between both banks of the Nistru on various issues impacting the river’s ecosystem.
“Moldova is surrounded by two rivers and one of them, the Nistru river, is the main provider of water in the country and is thus very important for its economic, social and environmental well-being. From a Swedish perspective it is key to preserve and effectively manage our limited natural resources to promote access to a healthy and clean environment for people. We are confident that with joint efforts for sustainable management of the river Nistru, Moldova will get a good quality of water aligned with EU requirements,” said Katarina Fried, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova.
“The Nistru covers 70% of the country's water consumption needs. Thus, it’s considered a strategic surface water resource for the environmental and socio-economic security of the country. It is essential for communities depending on this resource to have better access to quality water and a healthy environment. We are grateful for the partnership with Sweden that contributes to improving environmental and social conditions in the Nistru River Basin District,” noted Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Resident Representative to the Republic of Moldova.
Going forward, the Nistru River Basin District Committee will benefit from capacity development support, and a Hydrotechnical Infrastructure Inventory will be conducted. Owners of water reservoirs within the Nistru River Basin will be trained to carefully manage water bodies and ensure compliance with legal provisions.
Thanks to Swedish funding, in-country laboratory capabilities for analyzing priority substances will be assessed, and areas for the development and strengthening of analytical capacities will be identified.
Furthermore, the project will contribute to improving hydrological monitoring of the Nistru River by the acquisition of two automatic water level monitoring stations.
Recently, with the project’s support, water law in Moldova has been further harmonized with European Union legislation.