Sustainable Energy Strategy for the Health Care Sector in Lebanon Edition - 1: A Focus on Public Hospitals

Sustainable Energy Strategy for the Health Care Sector in Lebanon Edition - 1: A Focus on Public Hospitals
November 30, 2022
Lebanon has committed to achieve 20% renewable energy and 10% energy efficiency by 2030 under its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Amid the economic and political instabilities of the country, the health care system continues to face challenges from the shortage of supplies, the increase in the number of patients due to the pandemic, and the heart-wrenching energy crisis leading to an overwhelmed and exhausted medical system.
With this background, the UNDP implemented the ‘Solar for Health’ project, funded by Germany through KfW Bank, which included a number of actions from energy auditing public hospital facilities for the implementation of various energy efficiency and renewable energy projects as well as the development of a strategy to enhance the energy performance of Lebanese public hospitals, which is covered in the present report.