Guidance for Integrating Efficient Cooling in National Policies in Lebanon


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Guidance for Integrating Efficient Cooling in National Policies in Lebanon

May 19, 2021

As a member party to the Montreal Protocol’s (MP), Lebanon has an obligation to the phase-down of HFCs by 2045 under the Kigali Amendment  and to reach climate targets, i.e. net Greenhouse Gas (GHG) neutrality latest (Paris agreement) by the middle of this century. This “National Cooling Plan” (NCP), outlines that cooling sector plays a critical element for Lebanon to achieve these targets under the Montreal Protocol and its Kigali Amendment and the Paris agreement.

Two major Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) subsectors are low hanging fruits to reduce the country's emissions and improve energy efficiency, Residential Air Conditioners (ACs) and Domestic Refrigerators.

The NCP includes the pathway for the transition to lower indirect and direct emissions through enforced Energy Efficiency (EE) requirements and the phasedown of high Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants and foam blowing agents (HFCs).  The NCP also serves the purpose in providing affordable access to cooling to the population, in meeting Lebanon’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and meeting Lebanon’s economic development targets.

Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals