Conflict Sensitivity Toolbox Series

Conflict Sensitivity Toolbox Series

February 20, 2023

Under the Tension Monitoring System, the United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with House of Peace, has produced a second series of conflict sensitivity guidance notes entitled the “Conflict Sensitivity Toolbox Series" to support implementing partners with practical tips for getting started with conflict sensitivity within the unique context of Lebanon

The first toolbox: Conflict Sensitive Cash Assistance in Lebanon aims to support partners to ensure that cash-based assistance does not inadvertently do harm and is conflict sensitive. The toolbox for conflict sensitive cash-based assistance is meant to provide a roadmap for taking conflict sensitive considerations while designing, implementing, and monitoring cash-based interventions in Lebanon. It includes specific questions, available resources, and practical tips that partners can consider throughout the process.

The second toolbox: Conflict Sensitive Engagement with Local Authorities in Lebanon aims to support partners to ensure that such engagement does not inadvertently do harm and is conflict sensitive. The toolbox is meant to provide a roadmap for thinking while designing, implementing and monitoring programs and communication strategies with local authorities. It includes specific questions, available resources and practical tips to navigate relationships with local authorities.

The third toolbox: Institutionalizing Conflict Sensitivity at the Organizational Level aims to ensure that organizations working within the humanitarian and stabilization response in Lebanon can better integrate the concept of conflict sensitivity and its principles at all aspects and levels across an organization’s structure, procedures, and policies. It aims to mainstream conflict sensitivity knowledge and practice and embed them in existing processes rather than creating separate and isolated ones

All toolboxes have been developed through a consultative process with LCRP partners including UN agencies, international and local organizations, and donors, in order to identity concerns and best practices related to conflict sensitivity. Whilst the toolboxes have been specifically developed for Lebanon, many of the elements could be applied in other contexts.

Document Type
Regions and Countries