Supporting the stabilization and growth of 350 businesses affected by COVID19 and ‎economic crises in Lebanon

To foster job retention, help reduce unemployment and socio-economic vulnerabilities and promote economic growth in the longer term, UNDP in partnership with Germany through the German Development Bank KfW, is supporting the stabilization and development of 350 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and startups as well as farmers and cooperatives working in key sectors across all Lebanon who were affected by the economic crisis and the impact of the COVID19 pandemic.

If you meet the criteria listed below, you will benefit from 2000$ cash support within phase one of the implementation to cover a mix of tools, equipment, material for production, rehabilitation, or staff support if required.


The impact of COVID-19 topped with the multifaceted crises in Lebanon has had a crippling effect on the economy causing increased unemployment and poverty rates with the latter reaching 82% in 2021.  Women, in particular, have been bearing the heaviest brunt of job losses, returning to the labor force at a lower wage than before and facing discrimination to access credits and business development services.

UNDP has leveraged ongoing programmatic platforms to support the stabilization of the micro-business environment and respond to the growing socio-economic needs of the population. Since 2020, for COVID-19 socio-economic response, and with funding from Germany through KfW, UNDP has supported more than 300 MSMEs/ Cooperatives and 2,000 farmers through various interventions including the provision of equipment and tools, support with manpower to reduce the cost of production, and the provision of technical and managerial training to support their business growth and development in the longer term. These interventions helped several cooperatives to restart operations, incentivized farmers to return to their land and maintain/expand production and helped individuals especially women support themselves and their families and reduce negative coping mechanisms.

In light of the growing vulnerability in Lebanon under the protracted crises especially with the removal of subsidies, the new initiative came to support the stabilization and development of businesses in four key sectors. These sectors that have been affected by the crises were prioritized due to their high employment capacity especially of women and youth in urban as well as rural areas, and due to their prospect for innovation, growth, and the potential to substitute imports.

The intervention will be implemented in close cooperation and coordination with local municipalities where relevant, especially in the agriculture/agro-food and rural tourism sectors, and through four implementing partners to cover all of Lebanon (North, Bekaa, South, Beirut, and Mount Lebanon).