Support to Tensions Reduction in Lebanon through improved Environmental Support and Solar Energy


The objective of this project is to integrate the tension reduction with environmentally friendly approaches to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis. This will ultimately improve the physical living conditions of the most vulnerable people while reducing the tensions and showcase such integrated interventions that can be replicated by other stakeholders engaged in the LCRP.  The interventions will include using solar energy solutions and various nature-based solutions at facility/community-level (such as in hospitals, dispensaries, schools or other such institutions that provide public services).  At the same time, the project will also strengthen the capacities of local actors and the technical teams at the Ministry of Environment to improve environmental compliance procedures, which will facilitate further the replication of LCRP activities that are integrated with environmental practices.


Lebanon’s multiple crises have only compounded the pre-existing environmental and service delivery challenges that existed in Lebanon for decades now. Pollution loads are high where major water bodies are contaminated from industrial and municipal waste, solid waste management in the country is weak and the country suffers from poor electricity infrastructure and weak energy management systems that leads to long hours of electricity blackouts across the country. Heavily polluting community-based diesel generators are being used instead to bridge the gap in electricity supply to the extent possible, however not on a 24-hour basis and of course the most vulnerable and poorest segments of the population cannot afford subscribing to these services.  

Worsening environmental pollutions and access to services, coupled with lack of job opportunities and increasing poverty, are contributing to increased tensions at the local level amongst the various communities. Worryingly, during 2021 and 2022, these tensions have resulted in increased violence and incidents. During the height of the fuel and electricity crisis (June-August 2021), incidents related to tensions over fuel (petrol and diesel) were at an all-time high, occurring at gas stations between customers over queue-cutting or between customers and fuel station employees over the quantity of fuel allowed per vehicle. Such incidents were recorded in every governorate. In fact, electricity was identified as the number one priority in terms of access to services at 38.8%, with 11.4% linking it as a tension driver. 

Project outcome

The project has 2 main outcomes listed below:

Activity 1: Promoting environmental approaches to reduce tensions. Aims to build the capacities of municipalities and local actors, including international and national partners, on how to improve the integration of environmental considerations into the response to the Syria Crisis as well as to reduce tensions. 
Activity 2: Reducing tensions through renewable energy projects. This activity aims to identify where tensions and vulnerability related to the electricity and energy sector are among the highest and to mitigate the tensions through renewable energy projects.  Interventions will be designed and implemented accordingly by a group of specialized energy engineers that have extensive experience in the sector.  The tasks involved include, but are not limited to:

GESI Component (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion): 

All activities and approaches will be gender-sensitive and data collected will include gender markers to the extent possible and available.