KyrgyzHydromet specialists learned how to work with software for predicting future hydroclimatic changes

August 12, 2022

KyrgyzHydromet specialists with expert Mikhail Grigorievsky

Meerim Ruslanbekova

Within the framework of the UNDP project “Strengthening climate resilience of the Batken Province through introduction of climate smart irrigation and mudflow protection measures”, a five-day training was held on working with software for predicting future hydro-climatic changes. The training was conducted by Mikhail Grigorievsky, an expert and candidate of geographical sciences at the State Hydrological Institute, Russia. The composition of the trainees included specialists from various departments of KyrgyzHydromet.

The main objectives of the training were to train KyrgyzHydromet employees:

• work with data in NetCDF format;

• work with data from atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models (AGCMs) of the CMIP6 project;

• formation of ensembles of models;

• performing the necessary calculations using various specialized software;

• implementation of predictive assessments of future hydroclimatic changes.

The main emphasis during the training was placed on practical exercises, during which KyrgyzHydromet employees, together with an expert, prepared data and performed calculations of forecast estimates of the likely change in evaporation in the Batken region for three predictive scenarios of future climate behavior (pessimistic, moderate and extreme). The results obtained were used by the expert to refine estimates of changes in the main hydroclimatic parameters in the study area.

This training allowed to increase the basic knowledge of specialists and gain skills in the analysis and use of data from models of the general circulation of the atmosphere and ocean of the CMIP project, the formation of ensembles of models, the performance of the necessary calculations using various software and the implementation of predictive estimates of the main hydroclimatic parameters for the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

The project “Strengthening climate resilience of the Batken Province of the Kyrgyz Republic through introduction of climate smart irrigation and mudflow protection measures” is part of the implementation of the national climate change adaptation plan in the Kyrgyz Republic and aims to increase resilience and reduce losses from climate change in target agricultural communities Batken region, which is the most vulnerable to climate change.