Money Laundering Typologies: Kosovo

Money Laundering Typologies: Kosovo

August 3, 2021

The Report on Money Laundering Typologies is part of Kosovo’s efforts to reduce corruption levels and strengthen the monitoring and oversight mechanisms of institutions in an efficient, transparent, and accountable and gender sensitive manner. It is believed that Kosovo’s anti-corruption institutions, in particular corruption suppression bodies such as prosecution services, law enforcement agencies and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) would benefit from increased capacities to detect, investigate, and prosecute corruption offenses.

The report aims to provide support to the FIU in its fight against Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (ML/FT) and Corruption offense, as it will throw light on sectoral Money Laundering Risks pertaining on predicate crimes and current vulnerabilities amongst national reporting entities. The intent of this report is to improve compliance measures and provide more information to investigators and oversight authorities regarding the cases of Money Laundering in Kosovo.