Our focus
As the custodian of SDG 16 the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) plays a vital role in promoting and supporting democratic governance worldwide. Our primary objective is to assist countries and territories in building inclusive, accountable, and participatory governance systems that are resilient and responsive to the needs and aspirations of women and men in all their diversity. Applying the Leave no One Behind principle, UNDP embodies the commitment to equitable and inclusive development, striving to create a world where there is gender equality and where no individual or group is marginalized or excluded from the benefits of sustainable development.
For over 20 years, UNDP in Kosovo has established strong partnerships with the legislative and executive bodies, at central and municipal levels, in support of democratic, accountable, and functioning governance systems. Working on policy development, institutional, and individual capacity development, UNDP has contributed to strengthened rule of law, improved access to justice, enhanced gender equality, public safety and security, fostering a culture of transparency, and social cohesion.