Sustainable development
Sustainable development
Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, UNDP supports Kazakhstan to realize national priorities enshrined in Kazakhstan 2050, the 2025 Strategic Development Plan and other key strategies and plans. These priorities include searching for a new model of economic growth and increased productivity; boosting the business environment and scaling up new technologies across sectors; improving institutional performance and effectiveness of key state and sectoral programmes and budgets; modernizing law enforcement and judicial systems; improving the quality of education and health care; and supporting regional economic development, especially in remote areas.
The work of UNDP cut across these national priorities, supporting Kazakhstan in sustaining its growth trajectory by diversifying the economy, modernizing institutions, reducing inequalities and sustainably managing natural resources. The application of the six UNDP signature solutions will be key to helping the country accelerate structural transformations and better prepare for future shocks.
Our partners include the Government of Kazakhstan, local authorities, academia, private sector, civil society and mass media.