Greetings - Jamaica 4-H Clubs Virtual National Achievement Expo 2021

July 2, 2021

UNDP Resident Representative, Denise E Antonio


GREETINGS (pre-recorded on video)

UNDP Resident Representative Denise E Antonio

Jamaica 4-H Clubs Virtual National Achievement Expo

Friday 2 July via Zoom Platform

  • Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Hon Audley Shaw
  • Chairman of the Jamaica 4 H Board, Colin Virgo
  • Jamaica 4 H Executive Director, Dr Ronald Blake
  • Special Advisor to the minister, Gabriel Hylton
  • Members of the board of directors
  • Clover Awardees
  • 4H ‘clubites’, leaders and volunteers
  • Distinguished ladies and gentlemen

Good morning to the next generation of super agriculturalists and farmers on the occasion of the Jamaica 4-H Clubs Virtual National Achievement Expo, as you equip yourselves to diversify and secure local food supplies against the odds of Climate Change.

Ahead of us is a future where we are seeing a shift in weather patterns, natural crisis events and new diseases emerging. If we are not prepared, our food supplies will suffer, poverty will increase, and hunger will persist.  Therefore, having a strategic approach helps us to navigate through the challenges and keeps us ahead of the game.  In doing so, we can contribute to the sustainable development goals; 1 – No Poverty, 2 – Zero Hunger, 3 – Health and Wellbeing and 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth powered by SDG 13 – Climate Action.

According to Rural Agricultural and Development Authority (RADA), approximately 20% of young persons between the age of 15 and 35 years are involved in agriculture, with young men doubling that of young women.  Jamaica needs Agri-Smart young people who are willing to say ‘Yes to Fresh’.  That’s why I believe the ‘4H clubites’ and leaders can play a key role for a food secure and resilient future by finding climate smart and innovative ways and means of adding value to natural produce.

At UNDP Multi Country Office in Jamaica, we believe in building the capacity of young people to drive the movement towards sustainable development to end Poverty, Inequality, damages to the environment and the impact of Climate Change. That is why the focus of this project was on engaging youth and providing them the opportunity to design sustainable innovative agriculture solutions and to advocate for climate change mitigation towards a more resilient and productive farming sector.  I also applaud the project’s focus on an appropriate response that strategically aligns to Jamaica’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs).

 To show our commitment, through our Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme we allocated 10.4 Million JMD to support the Youth in Action – Combating Climate Change through Innovation and Technology in Agriculture project, implemented by the Jamaica 4H Foundation. A direct benefit of our support is today’s National Achievement Exposition on Food Diversification as a strategy to combat climate change and food insecurity with the completion of several competitions to name a few: culinary competition which was phase two of the home family garden initiative and youth farmer competition.

This is a brilliant idea for harnessing the creative spirit of the Jamaican people by promoting diverse ways of preparing food crops that are not familiar or appreciated. I am particularly encouraged that the crops being promoted are climate resilient and can provide viable sources of income for our farmers. Congratulations to all the winners and may you all continue with the mantra to “Eat what we grow and grow what we eat”.  Jamaica 4H remains a valued partner in building the capacities of young people to advance innovative, sustainable development solutions on the frontlines of farming.

I am confident that today’s event is another critical step in the right direction.

4H Clubites, you have been prepared and so we are handing over the baton to you to take center stage in the sustainable development narrative.  Continue to learn, engage and place no limits on your expectations. If you stay true and on course, you will not only help in advancing the SDG goals but you will be a major contributor to making Jamaica the place of choice for you to live, work, raise your families and do business.

Have a great day and I hope your time today will be well spent, enjoyable and rewarding.