Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers for Effective Implementation of the State-Level Climate Change Action Plans

Market transformations and removal of barriers for effective implementation of the state-level climate change action plans



India launched its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in June 2008. NAPCC represents a multi-pronged, long-term and integrated strategy for achieving key climate change goals for the country: namely, “achieving national growth objectives through a qualitative change in direction that enhances ecological sustainability, leading to further mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions”, and “devising efficient and cost-effective strategies for end-use demand-side management”. The plan identifies eight core “national missions.” These eight missions focus on enhancing energy efficiency; increasing the penetration of solar in the total energy mix; developing climate friendly sustainable habitats; a water mission for integrated water resources management; a mission on sustainable agriculture for making it more resilient to climate change; a green India mission for enhancing ecosystem services of forests and for enhancing its carbon sequestration capacity; a mission on Himalayan ecosystem for sustaining and safeguarding the Himalayan glacier and mountain ecosystems; and the last mission is aimed towards developing strategic knowledge base to address the concerns of climate change. 

UNDP in collaboration with the Government of India, aims to develop and build the capacity of states for the effective implementation of their climate change action plans. 


  • Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) tool developed at state level developed and implemented to identify RE and EE actions which has maximum GHG reduction potential.
  •  Monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) tool developed and baseline established for regular monitoring and verification of emission reduction through the selected RE EE actions.
  • Detail Project Reports prepared for energy efficiency in buildings, municipal pumps and cold storages. In the Renewable Energy domain detailed project reports have been prepared for micro solar cold rooms, solar micro-grids, RTS in institutional buildings & health centers.
  • Funding potential explored for implementation of DPR and its upscaling through detail evaluation of grant/non-grant opportunities
  • Analysed state sectoral budgets for development plans to include expenses related to climate change mitigation actions for the states of Jharkhand.
  • Health: Reliability of power increased for 157 rural Primary Health Centres by integrating renewable energy.
  • Educational Institutions: Solar assessment undertaken in 320 schools, led to adoption of solar installation by 30 schools across two states.
  • Rural Livelihood: Enhanced earnings of SHGs involved in food processing by integrating Renewable energy pulse, masala, flour mills managed by SHGs. 50 bankable proposals developed for SHGs seeking financial assistance from banks.
  • Agriculture/Horticulture: Solar energy powered cold storages introduced, reduced perishability of produce and enhanced negotiating power of 4000 farmers.
  • Buildings: Introduced Building Management Intelligent System (BIMS) for enhanced energy efficiency, State Government earmarked 3 buildings to adopt BIMS with cumulative saving.
  • MSME: Investment grade Energy Audit of 120 MSME. Clean energy measures amounting to INR 6.98 Cr were implemented which will result in GHG mitigation on 78,000 tCO2.
  • Power distribution: Web-based application developed for net metering and grid connected solar implementation. Technology Facilitation Desk developed as one stop shop for RE schemes, policies, tariffs.
  • Planning: Developed Clean Energy Action Plan for state: 2017-2022.
  • COVID Response: SHGs producing ( face masks through use of Solar Energy in Jharkhand and Manipur. These masks are being distributed within the local community and Primary Health Centers

Looking to the future

  • Integrating renewable energy in livelihood, agriculture, MSME and mobility Manipur.
  • Catalyse investment for upscaling of successfully demonstrating climate change mitigation actions in Jharkhand and Manipur.
  • Upscaling results through support of State Government’s ongoing schemes and programmes.
  • Documentation of results for replication by other states.



May 2015


March 2021






Ministry Of Environment And Fo


Global Environment Fund Trustee

IND-Government of Manipur










Full Project information