Remarks by Ms Beate Trankmann at the China-Ethiopia-Sri Lanka Renewable Energy Technology Transfer SSTC Project Summary Workshop
June 12, 2024

UNDP Resident Representative in China, Beate Trankmann, delivered remarks virtually at the Strategic Steering Commitee Meeting/Summary Workshop under the Biogas, Biomass and Solar Trilateral Cooperation Project.
Distinguished participants, dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of UNDP in China, I am delighted to join my colleague, Azusa, in welcoming you to this concluding Workshop of our Trilateral Cooperation Project to boost green energy access in Ethiopia and Sri Lanka with support from China.
I would have very much liked to join you in person in beautiful Sri Lanka where I spent five memorable years as part of my career with UNDP. But, unfortunately, tight schedules here in China did not allow me to travel. I am nevertheless very much there with you in spirit and send my warmest greetings to you all!
At a time when global progress towards the SDGs has not only stalled but in some areas such as climate action is in fact regressing and when governments budgets are overstretched, dealing with multiple crises including the lingering effects of COVID all at once, partnerships like this can make a critical contribution.
By developing and deploying biogas, biomass, and solar technologies, this project has brought access to clean and renewable energy to vulnerable people and communities in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia, improving livelihoods and enabling sustainable growth.
It has also strengthened the capacities of local governments to manage and expand these efforts by providing a platform for sharing knowledge, resources and technologies. Last year, for example, representatives from Ethiopia and Sri Lanka came to China to learn about sustainable energy pathways and new technology solutions for advancing the low-carbon transition allowing them to drive sustainable development back at home.
With great many thanks to all of you, who have made dedicated efforts over the past four years, we are proud to see the important results that this initiative has produced.
In total, 11 green energy solutions were installed covering 12 small and medium-sized demonstration sites and benefiting more than 50,000 people across 5 provinces in Sri Lanka and 4 regions in Ethiopia. They are expected to generate at least 70,000 kilowatt-hours in energy - saving approx. 157,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions, every year.
"Only through continued collaboration and shared responsibility, can we hope to achieve the SDGs and create a resilient sustainable future that includes everyone, everywhere."
The project was also highlighted by our Administrator, Achim Steiner, in his opening remarks at the 2022 launch of UNDP’s report on South-South and Triangular Cooperation in LDCs, which featured it as a good practice.
In addition, the project’s positive impact was acknowledged by the Government of China. Last December, experiences and voices from Sri Lanka were also heard at the annual China and International Development Forum.
In closing, let me extend my heartfelt gratitude to China’s Ministry of Commerce for the generous funding contribution and to the Governments of Ethiopia and Sri Lanka for the support and commitment to this project. The results speak for themselves. Congratulations to you all!
The success we celebrate today is the fruit of our joint efforts and the hard work of all colleagues and partners involved.
Thank you also to UNDP Sri Lanka for organizing this event today.
Moving forward, let us continue to strengthen our partnerships, share our knowledge, and innovate together.
Because sustainable development is only possible when it reaches us all - across communities, cultures, countries and continents.
Only through continued collaboration and shared responsibility, can we hope to achieve the SDGs and create a resilient sustainable future that includes everyone, everywhere.
Thank you!