Opening Remarks by Ms Beate Trankmann at the Implementation and Action: Climate and Health International Conference
December 15, 2024

UNDP Resident Representative in China, Beate Trankmann, delivered opening remarks at the Implementation and Action: Climate and Health International Conference in Baoting, China.
尊敬的 解 特使, Special Envoy Xie
尊敬的冯书记, Party Secretary Feng, Hainan Provincial Government
尊敬的 郑 主任,Executive Director Zheng of China Green Development Sustainable Development Association
尊敬的张翼主任, DDG Zhang Yi of CICETE
请允许我代表联合国开发计划署,向大家参加今天的大会表示最热烈的欢迎。(On behalf of UNDP, I want to extend my warmest welcome to you all this afternoon as we kick off today’s conference)
First off, let me echo the UNDP Administrator, in congratulating Baoting County on the launch of the China-EU Green and Digital Innovation Zone and express my appreciation for partnering with UNDP.
In the wake of the three back-to-back UN summits - or COPs – this year on Biodiversity, Climate and Desertification, the world is yet again reminded of the urgent need for integrated climate and nature-positive action. Against a context of all-time high global temperatures, and increasingly frequent, and severe, climate-related natural disasters, efforts to advance green development and strengthen climate resilience could not be more vital.
The effects of climate change are not just environmental; they affect economies, livelihoods, and people’s health across the globe. And they disproportionately impact vulnerable populations—women, children, the elderly, and marginalized communities—thereby widening existing inequities and creating new divides.
The latest Lancet Countdown report[1], for example, reveals that global temperature rises have led to a 167% increase in heat-related mortality among people over 65 years old compared to the 1990s.
"Through collective efforts that engage both local communities and international partners, we can foster broad-based collaboration that can make a significant impact in advancing climate action and the SDGs."
As the Administrator mentioned, our project here in Baoting seeks to address climate challenges head-on and demonstrate innovative approaches to green development that protect both human and environmental health.
One particular area of focus will be on financing. It is estimated that 26 trillion US dollars of green finance will be needed to achieve China’s ambitious 2030/2060 dual carbon goals[2].
This project will explore strategies and approaches to guide financial frameworks and mechanisms to increase coherence and coordination across public and private funds to turbo-charge the low-carbon transition.
Ultimately, we hope that the solutions we pioneer here in Baoting to advance climate action and build resilience can indeed provide important insights for other areas in China as well as small-island developing states that share similarities with Hainan.
This is important because the threat of climate change does not stop at borders. Through collective efforts that engage both local communities and international partners, we can foster broad-based collaboration that can make a significant impact in advancing climate action and the SDGs.
In closing, let me express my appreciation to Baoting county for organizing this timely and important event.
Together, let us use this conference to share ideas, learn from each other, and push forward towards a greener, more sustainable future for all.
Thank you.
[1] 2024 Report - Lancet Countdown