United Nations Policy Dialogue Series: SDG-aligned Finance for Sustainable Development and Carbon Neutrality

United Nations Policy Dialogue Series: SDG-aligned Finance for Sustainable Development and Carbon Neutrality
December 12, 2021
The global 2030 Agenda aims to realise a planet that can sustain everyone and a society that includes everyone, within this decade. An integral part of the solution is effectively channeling public and private capital flows – large enough in both scale and scope – towards sustainable development and combatting climate change.
While the pandemic has brought new difficulties and acerbated the financing gap to meeting the 2030 Agenda, it also offers valuable opportunities to fix fundamental faults in our society and build back better, through a more inclusive, fair and green recovery. A critical challenge in doing so is to ensure the financial system effectively supports a just transition.
This policy brief aims to shed light on that important imperative, by distilling key messages and policy recommendations that emerged during the United Nations Policy Dialogue on SDG-aligned Finance for Sustainable Development and Carbon Neutrality, co-organized by UNDP and the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE).