Annual Report on China's Judicial Reform 2014

Annual Report on China's Judicial Reform 2014

March 14, 2016

2014 was a critical year for the rule of law in China. In July 2014, the SPC issued its Fourth Five Year Judicial Reform Plan (2014-2018), marking the beginning of a new round of judicial reforms for the next five years. In October, the Decision of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CCPC addressed the topic of “ruling the country according to the law” for the first time in the Party’s history, reflecting the centrality of judicial reforms to achieve progress on other fronts. This report presents and analyzes major developments of China’s judicial reform occurred over 2014, and reflects on its possible future directions. It highlights general reform measures as well as specific measures in the court system, the procuratorate, and judicial administration, with policy recommendations moving forward.