Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, UNDP Resident Representative
Orientation Workshop for the Preparation of the National Sustainable Development Plan 2024-2028
March 10, 2023
Ms. Alissar Chaker (front row, first on the left)
Excellency Ketti Settha Pandita CHHAY Than, Senior Minister, Minister of Planning
Excellency TUON Thavrak, Secretary of State, the Ministry of Planning
Excellency THENG Pagnathun, Delegate of the RGC in charge of Director General of Planning
Excellencies, UN colleagues, Ladies, and Gentlemen.
I am delighted to participate with you today to kick-off the important work you are embarking on for developing the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSPD) 2024 – 2028 which will guide the country for graduating from the Least Developed Countries status and accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
The NSPD 2024-2028 will also support recovery from concurrent shocks associated with the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. It is expected to foster an enabling environment for peace, stability, and rule of law, setting the way forward for translating national priorities on human development, economic diversification, private sector development, resilient, inclusive and sustainable development, and digital transformation into action and well-being for the nation.
Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen,
The Ministry of Planning has prepared a good guide to inform a comprehensive and integrated NSDP development process to meet the ambition of the Cambodian Government and society. Thus, I will only highlight few points for your consideration to ensure that the NSDP:
- Reflects the universality, integrated, and interrelated nature and dimensions of sustainable development (i.e., economic, social, and environmental dimensions), Leaving No One Behind (LNOB).
- Ensures meaningful stakeholder engagement, including private sector, civil society, academia, local government, and specific vulnerable groups, among others.
- Communication on the NSDP to the public to create a joint sense of ownership and commitment.
- Is built on data and evidence.
- Reflects on planning, implementation, and continuity from the Rectangular Strategy, considering relevant institutional set-up, new capabilities needed, SDG-oriented budgeting, and relevant localization strategies at the sub-national level.
- Is people-centred; the COVID-19 wake-up call was harsh but it was mainly about inclusion and resilience!
- Indicates the way for building forward better after the pandemic in line with the Decade of Action for ambitious and accelerated achievement of the SDGs.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
The SDGs provide us with a visionary roadmap to attain sustainable prosperity, social inclusion, and equality, leaving no one behind, while, at the same time preserving our planet and natural assets. The Cambodia-SDGs have laid a good foundation in Cambodia, and I encourage the Royal Government of Cambodia to increase the ambition to match the Global SDGs.
I wish you success in your endeavour and reiterate UNDP’s commitment to support you as needed for strengthening the foundations for sustainable development in Cambodia.
Thank you.