Vocational Education Festival to be Supported by the EU and UNDP
May 31, 2023

The State Agency on Vocational Education (SAVE), the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are teaming up to organise the second “Secret of a Profession” Festival in Baku Seaside Boulevard, Clock Tower on the 10th June.
The Festival is aimed at building more awareness about vocational and education training (VET) in the country, to promote the involvement of youth, parents, and all related parties into the VET.
The “Secret of a Profession” Festival will offer master classes and exhibitions organised by the students from tourism, industry, arts, agriculture, ICT and public catering fields. In addition, fun games and quizzes are planned for the participants as part of the "WorldSkills Azerbaijan" platform.
The "Secret of a Profession" Festival is supported by the EU-funded “VET for the Future: Development of VET Providers' Excellence in Azerbaijan” project which is implemented by UNDP in cooperation with SAVE. The partner of the festival is the Seaside Boulevard Administration, and the media partner is AzTV.
The actions to support promotion of vocational education are organised by the “VET for the future: development of VET providers' excellence in Azerbaijan” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP with SAVE. The project aims to support the modernisation of VET providers in Azerbaijan and increase the labour market relevance of vocational education.
Media contact:
For media inquiries, please contact Leyla Gurbanova, Project’s Communications and Visibility Specialist at leyla.gurbanova@undp.org.
Gulnara Bayramova, Press and Information Officer at the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan at gulnara.bayramova@eeas.europa.eu.
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