Guidance notes on building critical infrastructure resilience in Europe and Central Asia

Guidance notes on building critical infrastructure resilience in Europe and Central Asia

Guidance notes on building critical infrastructure resilience in Europe and Central Asia

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Guidance notes on building critical infrastructure resilience in Europe and Central Asia

November 2, 2022

The proposed Critical Infrastructure Resilience Plan aims to advance further the resilience-building domain by providing a structured and operational framework built upon existing and anticipated risk and hazards; security threats; identified needs and existing capacities and capabilities; and a defined vision, clear objectives and logically sequenced set of measures and actions for mitigation and protection that are also realistic, practical and applicable.

This plan is designed to guide overall resilience-building activities in a systematic and inclusive manner taking account of the interconnectivity and interdependencies of critical infrastructure systems that are based on an all-hazards and life-cycle perspectives. It represents a planning document that ensures the resilience-building mission of all involved stakeholders, both from the public and private domains, while protecting the critical infrastructure systems for the benefit of all society.

Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals