Responding to human rights challenges in Ukraine and integrating HRBA into state policy

Photo: UNDP in Ukraine
1. Introduction
Human Rights for Ukraine (HR4U) Project, UNDP Ukraine
Human Rights for Ukraine (HR4U) Project (2019 – 2023) funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by UNDP Ukraine is a nation-scale 5-year initiative. The project is an integral part of UNDP democratic governance and reform portfolio that strengthens accountable and responsive public institutions and trust in state-society relations, respect of the rule of law and human rights, and inclusive political processes and social policies, with a specific focus on women, youth and disadvantaged groups.
The Project’s overall goal is to promote human rights through strengthening capacities of the national actors to effectively promote, protect and observe human rights and integrate human rights-based approach (HRBA) into the national and local policies all over Ukraine including conflict area. The project is aimed at increasing the capacity of the National Human Rights Institution and promoting human rights initiatives among all national stakeholders, including core duty-bearers in the legislative and executive branches, sub-national and local authorities, and civil society organizations.
The Project’s objectives are following:
- to reach out to men and women across Ukraine, including remote communities, to empower them to exercise their rights, to support the regional network of the Ombudsperson’s Office and the network of civic monitors across Ukraine, strengthening the capacities of the institution and making it more accessible;
- to enhance the monitoring capacities of the Ombudsperson’s Office and civic human rights defenders, ensuring that the gender, age, and vulnerability dimensions are integrated in the human rights monitoring process;
- to promote human rights values among journalists and to support them in incorporating a human rights based approach into their professional practices, mainstreaming values of diversity and tolerance;
- to enhance the capacities and role of the national human rights institution and human rights CSOs to use international instruments to advocate for change in the human rights agenda of Ukraine;
- to build the capacities of duty-bearers, the Ombudsperson’s Office and CSOs to provide effective inputs into the integration of a human-rights-based approach into the decentralization process, with a focus on social and economic rights;
- to address the needs of the conflict-affected population to exercise their rights, including international advocacy and work with conflict-affected (including internally displaced) men and women, and other vulnerable groups.
The Project actively involves duty-bearers on the national level (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Policies, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Regional Development, National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, and others) to help build their knowledge and capacities in the area of human rights. Also, civil society organisations, particularly the ones with a human rights focus, remain among the key stakeholders of the project. The project actively engages and empowers CSO and human rights activists in various human rights-related activities, in particular, cooperates with CSOs to promote and raise public awareness on human rights through joint educational and communication activities.
2. Objectives of the Call for Proposals:
The overall aim of the present call for proposals is supporting and strengthening the key human rights stakeholders and actors in order to respond to human rights challenges in Ukraine and integrate HRBA into state policy.
Support the activities of the civil society organizations aimed at contributing to
- Reinforcing the work of the Office of the Ombudsperson through targeted CSO project support;
- Responding to recent human rights challenges in Ukraine;
- Integrating HRBA into state policy and practices.
3. Priorities and taskd of the Call for Proposals:
- Enhancing human rights capacity of key actors at national and local levels who are responsible for implementation of the development policy and delivery of local administrative services, through incorporation of HRBA approaches in their practices.
- Supporting an effective role of Parliament, relevant committees and line ministries through guidance/recommendations for HRBA in the legislative and peace-building process, based and best international practices;
- Raising awareness and developing training programs for duty-bearers, supporting the implementation of training programmes on national and local levels and ensuring transparency and openness of duty-bearers through monitoring initiatives and advocacy.
- Developing capacities of duty-bearers on human rights issues, especially in the priority areas of the Ombudsperson Office.
- Engaging in thoroughly-designed advocacy and lobbying activities in the field of human rights protection and promotion;
- Conducting educational and awareness campaigns on human rights to both rights holders and duty bearers target audience;
- Strengthening strategic, managerial, advocacy, and monitoring capacities of the CSO’s in producing data-based analytical products, conducting advocacy activities, and deploying preventive measures to minimize human rights violations;
- Supporting CSOs initiatives aimed at monitoring Ukraine’s international commitments to advocate for a positive change in the human rights situation in the country.
Important information:
Eligible project proposals should reflect a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to programming with a comprehensive account for gender-sensitive and gender-balanced programming.
Preference would be given to a coalition (platform, network) of organizations.
4. Eligibility criteria
In order to be reviewed and evaluated, applications must be submitted by eligible organizations or coalition (platform, network) of organizations and include eligible projects proposals and costs.
4.1. Eligible organizations
Organizations eligible to receive funding through this Call for Proposals must meet the below criteria (if the project is submitted jointly by a coalition (platform, network) of organizations, the leading organization should meet below criteria):
- Have a status of a non-governmental public or charitable organization officially registered in Ukraine;
- Have a track record of at least 1 year of active operation in the area of human rights, anti-discrimination, legal education, legal aid provision, mediation and social cohesion, human rights promotion, lobbying, and awareness raising, etc.;
- Have a proven record of relevant project implementation and reporting.
Proposals from organizations or coalition (platform, network) of organizations that do not pass the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
4.2. Eligible costs
Eligible costs must:
- be necessary for caring out project activities;
- comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular value for and cost-effectiveness;
- be properly recorded, identifiable and verifiable, and backed by original supporting documents.
UNDP grant may only be used to cover the following costs:
- Staff salaries and expert fees;
- Purchase of consultative services provided that these are essential for project goals and objectives;
- Renting, catering and other services envisaged by the project activities;
- Printing and copying;
- Utility services;
- Consumables and supplies;
- Travel costs (provided that travel complies with internal UNDP regulations).
The following costs are ineligible:
- Costs of project proposal preparation;
- Debts reconciliation;
- International travel;
- Reimbursement of expenses related to exchange rate fluctuations;
- Currency exchange losses;
- Creation and registration of the organization;
- Direct fiscal support to state authorities;
- Political activity;
- Religious propaganda;
- Activities leading to direct or indirect discrimination of any social strata;
- Projects aimed at gaining profit from activities;
- Construction or repair work;
- Purchase of vehicles and / or luxury goods and related services;
- Purchase of goods for distribution in the form of humanitarian aid, gifts.
Not more than 10% of the grant funds may be spent on equipment, provided a clear justification is offered as to its need to achieve project goals.
4.3. Eligible applications
In order to be admitted in the review process, applications must include the full package of documents as stated in the section “Application Process” of this CFP, and be submitted in the form and on the time described further in this CFP. UNDP will determine eligibility of applications, and will prepare the eligible applications for the review and evaluation by the Grant Appraisal Committee.
5. Application process
This CfP will be advertised through UNDP Ukraine ( web site.
Applications (project proposals) must be developed in Ukrainian according to this CFP and the Application Form (Attachment 1)
The application package shall consist of:
- Duly filled out application form with relevant attachments;
- Copy of the organization’s statute (PDF);
- Copy of the organization’s registration certificate (in PDF);
- Copy of the organization’s bank account certificate (in PDF)
- Resumes of key project staff (in PDF, or Word);
The application package needs to be sent to: , indicating “Responding to human rights challenges in Ukraine and integrating HRBA into state policy” in the subject line of the letter. The package should be sent in one file ((*.zip or *.rar without password) and the size should not exceed 5 MB.
ATTENTION: Proposals send by regular post, currier or fax will not be considered.
6. Selection process
UNDP specialists will check the proposals against the criteria. At this stage, the project can request additional information from the applicants at its own discretion.
To ensure full transparency and equity of the process, UNDP forms a Grant Selection Committee (SC) that will appraise the proposals. The SC is a temporary authorized body that is responsible for considering, selecting, and recommending proposals for funding. The Selection Committee may decide to request additional independent expert opinion during the selection process.
6.1. Criteria for the assessment of proposals
The proposals shall be assessed by the GSC in accordance to the following criteria:
- The quality of the proposal and coherence with the suggested thematic area as outlined in item 3 of this CFP;
- Demonstrated organization’s and team’s capacity to implement the project activities;
- Proposal contains measures to ensure sustainability of the project;
- The project relevance according to the needs of beneficiaries (needs assessment and project methodology);
- The ability of implement a project in cooperation with relevant stakeholder-partner (the Ombudsperson’s Office, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service etc);
- The degree of innovation of the project.
7. Reporting, monitoring and evaluation
7.1. Monitoring and evaluation, frameworks for OD plan implementation
The Grantee is responsible for monitoring project implementation and evaluating its results. UNDP will monitor the project through Grantee reports, site visits, meetings with project personnel and stakeholders, and participation in project events.
7.2. Reporting
The Grantee shall submit the following reports according to UNDP format:
- Interim reports, including description of activities, results, and agreed monitoring indicators, as well as financial reports – depending on the length of the project proposed (to be specified in the relevant agreement);
- Brief reports on demand occasionally requested by UNDP DHRP in cases when information on Programme implementation is required in between reporting periods;
- A Completion report, including a summary of activities and results as well as financial report for total duration of an agreement.