UNDP fosters enhancement of the human rights agenda in Ukraine

UNDP in Ukraine and the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights will scale up their partnership to effectively address new human rights challenges

August 31, 2022
Photo courtesy Ombudsperson’s Office

Kyiv, 31 August 2022 – A strong and efficient national human rights institution is essential to ensure that human rights standards and approaches remain at the forefront, even in the times of unprecedented crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine.

Manal Fouani, acting UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, and Dmytro Lubinets, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, met to discuss the most pressing human rights challenges in Ukraine and possible ways to address them.

During the meeting, Manal Fouani emphasized the importance of strategic cooperation with the Ombudsperson’s Office to effectively identify human rights issues and complement efforts to promote the human rights agenda at global, national, and local levels.

“Every day, the war in Ukraine is leading to massive destructions, deaths, and displacement, putting in jeopardy fundamental human rights such as the right to life, liberty, and security,” said Manal Fouani.

“A grave deterioration of human rights requires complex and holistic solutions. Together with our partners, we have to make sure that the rights of all men and women, boys and girls in Ukraine are being protected and safeguarded. Our primary goal during the times of crisis is to ensure that Ukraine has institutions and systems in place so that no one is left behind,” she added.

“An independent and effective national human rights institution is crucial for democratic development of our country”, said Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets. “During war, protection of human rights require special attention and bold actions. Together with our partners we are making every effort to protect and restore the human rights of all people without exceptions,” he stressed

During the meeting, the parties agreed to scale up their cooperation to address war-related challenges, and specifically to protect the rights of internally displaced persons.

The partners also agreed that an accessible national human rights institution is crucial for protection, respect, and observance of the human rights of all men and women in Ukraine especially in remote communities. In this regard, UNDP will continue supporting the Ombudsperson’s regional network, which is now operating in all Oblasts of Ukraine, providing vital rights-based advice to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in the population to help them stand up for their rights.

Enhancing the expertise of the Ombudsperson’s Office in reporting within the framework of United Nations mechanisms in the field of human rights was also recognized as one of the priority areas for cooperation.

Background information:

Since 2012, UNDP in Ukraine has been working with Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights to facilitate the observance of human rights obligations in Ukraine at both global and national levels, and to implement its mandates effectively and efficiently.

In 2021 alone the, UNDP-supported Ombudsperson’s regional network conducted 345 field visits, and 588 online consultations, and reached 4,014 people (1,978 women and 2,036 men), providing them with advice and assistance to protect their rights.

Media enquiries: Yuliia Samus, Communications Team Leader, UNDP in Ukraine, yuliia.samus@undp.org